Membership dues effective during 2024-2025
Annual membership dues in the League of Minnesota Cities are based on the fiscal year beginning on Sept. 1; starting Jan. 1, 2026, the League’s fiscal year will change to the calendar year.
To adjust to this fiscal year change, members will receive two membership dues invoices: The first invoice will be sent in September 2024 for the four-month period of September-December 2024, and a second dues invoice will be sent in early January 2025 for the 12-month period of January-December 2025.
Beginning in 2026, members will receive one annual membership dues invoice each January.
Membership dues include a wide variety of benefits, including subscriptions to Minnesota Cities magazine.*
Membership dues are calculated based on population according to the following:
(Population represents the 2023 State Demographic and Metropolitan Council estimate)
- 249 or less=$476.00
- 250-4,999=$165.00 plus $1.2565 per capita
- 5,000-9,999=$1,312.00 plus $1.0271 per capita
- 10,000-19,999=$2,845.00 plus $0.8739 per capita
- 20,000-49,999=$9,702.00 plus $0.5311 per capita
- 50,000-299,999=$28,722.00 plus $0.1507 per capita
- 300,000 or more=$48,386.00 plus $0.0852 per capita
- Special Districts=$2,358.00
The membership dues information included here is for reference only. Please wait until you receive an invoice from the League to pay your membership dues.
*Annual dues include subscriptions to Minnesota Cities magazine at a value of $30 per subscription; the League reserves the right to limit the number of magazine subscriptions a member organization receives.
This information is provided to meet USPS regulations; please do not factor in the value of the subscriptions when paying your dues invoice. For more information on magazine subscriptions, contact the League.